Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Day 22: Apple Pie

A couple weeks ago, my dad and I went to an orchard and picked up a couple bags of fresh apples. Mostly because I really wanted to make an apple pie. I have never made a pie before! And getting a slice of vegan apple pie around here is probably impossible. So I made my own!

I made a double recipe of the pie crust in Veganomicon and for the filling I used a Betty Crocker recipe. This pie was perfect and tasted exactly like I imagined it would. I had read some disparaging comments about vegan pie crusts but this crust was flaky and browned up nicely. You can see that the edges got a little extra-toasty - Betty Crocker recommends wrapping foil around the edge and removing it 15 minutes before the pie is finished cooking. I chose not to follow that advice because I like the edges of my food to be a little extra crispy (pies, cookies, casseroles, not soup, latkes, etc.).

A couple posts ago, I said that making donuts is more fulfilling than making other desserts. I am going to have to amend my statement because nothing is more fulfilling or delicious than pie.


Jennifer said...

Wow! Is that the one you made? It is a thing of beauty. As Brian would say, "Nice cwust..."

Jen Treehugger said...

That is such a pretty Pie!!
I'd nom that!:)